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You are invited to celebrate
Jessica's 8th
Birthday Party
Guest Name
It is a joy and an honor for me, if you could offer your blessings by attending my birthday party
Hi Friends,
Hope this message finds you well. I have some exciting news to share with you. I'm throwing a joint birthday bash to celebrate my special day, and would be absolutely thrilled if you could join us
SIXTEEN 8, 3rd Floor
Jalan Merdeka No. 123, Kelurahan Mentari Indah, Kecamatan Serasi, Kota Bahagia, Provinsi Sejahtera.
Please confirm your attendance by filling out this form:
Dikarenakan acara sudah selesai dan berjalan dengan lancar
Prayers and Wishes
Please leave your sincere prayers and wishes to me:
Baru saja
Capture the happy moments of Jessica's 8th Magic Birthday Party with Instagram filters in stories, save the filters and feel free to tag the Mom's Jessica account
Your presence will make the celebration even more special. I'm truly grateful for your support and can't wait to share this moment with you See you at the party!