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The Wedding Of
Biandra & Ivan
Kindly Deliver to Mr/Mrs/Miss:
Nama Tamu Undangan
Please apologize if there are any misspelling of names and titles
And it is among His signs that He has created for you wives from among yourselves, so that you may find tranquility in them, and He has created love and kindness between you. Surely in this there are signs for a people who reflect
Kindly Delivered to Mr/Mrs/Miss:
ASSALAMUALAIKUM WARAHMATULLAHI WABARAKATUH. Together with the blessing of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala, we cordially request the honor of your presence at the wedding celebration of:
Your presence shall be a great honor for us and our families. Please confirm your attendance through the reservation form below:
Thank you for filling out the attendance form.
Wedding Gift
Without diminishing our respect, for invited guests (Mr./Mrs./Miss) who would like to make a contribution, you can do so through the bank account below:
Bantu kami mengabadikan momen-momen bahagia di acara pernikahan kami dengan Instagram Filter di Stories, Save Filter yang telah kami sediakan dan Bapak/Ibu/Saudara/i diperkenankan untuk men-tag akun pengantin
Please leave your sincere prayers and wishes to us and our family:
Baru saja
Thank You
It will be a joy for us if you are to be attend on our wedding day. Thank you for all the kind words, prayers, and attentions given. See you on our wedding day!